【Company Site Visits 企業參訪】Industrial Technology Research Institute(English Guide)/工業技術研究院(英文導覽)

分類 企業參訪
名稱 【Company Site Visits 企業參訪】Industrial Technology Research Institute(English Guide)/工業技術研究院(英文導覽)_校園徵才系列活動
【Visit activity details】
  • Registration time: From 2/19 until 3/31
  • Gathering time: 2024/5/14 (Tue.) 12:30 (Gather in front of the administrative building)
  • Visit time: 2024/5/14 (Tue.)13:30-16:00 (English Guide)
  • Visit location: Industrial Technology Research Institute(195, Sec. 4, Chung Hsing Rd., Chutung, Hsinchu, Taiwan 310401, R.O.C.)
  • Host: Career Center, Office of Students Affair
  • Company website: https://www.itri.org.tw/english/index.aspx
*Participating in this visit will earn you 2 hours of self-exploration time.
【Notes on registration】
  • After registering online, please go to the Career Center, Office of Students Affair. Located on the 2nd floor of the Chiang Kai-shek Library  In 5 Days after Signing Up to pay a deposit of NTD 200 (no changes, only cash will be accepted) ; The deposit will be refunded on the bus when feedback questionnaire is filled in after the event, Career Center staff will confirm with your receipt and student ID card. If you do not inform the organizer of your cancellation letter three days before the event, the deposit will not be refunded.
  • Student insurance is required. Please fill in your registration information accurately. No one else is allowed to replace your visit.
  • Please fill in the names and phone numbers of parents and relatives for emergency contact persons.
  • Career Center will not provide proof of leave for students.
  • On the day of the event, please be sure to dress neatly and do not wear shorts or slippers.
  • If you want to leave on your own after the visit and do not take the tour bus back to NCU, you can inform NCU Career Center's staff Ms. Chia Hua Li and sign "Ask for a leave form" while paying the deposit. 
If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Chia Hua Li or Ms. Hanny Chao of the Career Development Center, campus extension no. 57227, 57281 or email: chiahua9131@g.ncu.edu.tw , hannychao@g.ncu.edu.tw






[ 活動詳情 ]

集合時間:5/14 (二) 12:30 準時發車


參訪時間:5/14 (二) 13:30 - 16:00

參訪地點:工業技術研究院 (新竹縣竹東鎮中興路四段195號)

名額限制:40 人 

報名時間:2/19(一) 起 至 額滿為止(*註:報名人數未滿20人不出發)


  1. 因保險相關事宜,線上報名完成後請於 5 日內至中正圖書館-學務處2樓職涯發展中心繳交保證金200元(只收現鈔,當場不找零) 保證金於活動結束後填寫回饋問卷持收據和學生證當日於巴士上退回,或結束後擇日至職涯發展中心退款。若未於活動前三天來信告知主辦單位取消報名者,保證金不予退還。
  2. 如欲取消報名,不論是否繳交保證金皆請來電或來信告知。
  3. 需承保學生保險,請確實填寫自己的報名資料,當天不可他人替代前往參訪。緊急聯絡人請填寫父母親屬之姓名電話。
  4. 主辦單位不另提供請假證明,請課餘學生踴躍報名參加。
  5. 活動當天請留意服裝儀容整齊,勿著短褲、拖鞋。
  6. 若欲於參訪活動結束後自行離開,不與其他人一同搭乘遊覽車回中央,可於出發時告知同行工作人員並簽署切結書。
如有任何問題,請洽職涯發展中心 李小姐, 校內分機57227 或 來信 E-mail: chiahua9131@g.ncu.edu.tw
地點 企業參訪(詳見內容說明)
報名人數/上限 18 / 40
活動日期與時間 2024-05-14 13:30
報名截止日期 2024-05-13 14:00
網站連結 https://www.itri.org.tw/